Monday, October 27, 2008

Dates to remember:

October 20th Jonathan rolled over all on his own for the first time! No one was in the room when he did it so he had to have done it alone. He hasn't quite figured out how he did it though because he hasn't been able to do it again (without from his daddy.) Okay so in daddy's defense he does do it all. He helps Jonathan get on his side, from there Jonathan goes the rest of the way.

October 26th I woke to realize that I had not recieved the usual 'Mommy' call in the middle of the night. This is actually not the first time but it was a good nights sleep and that is cause for rejoicing! If you ask his peditrician he will tell you that Jonathan always sleeps through the night since he sleeps six hour stretches. But I say only if he stays asleep until at least 5:30am or 6:00am.

October 27th Jonathan had his first taste of rice cereal. I'm not sure he liked it. I thnk it made him realize he was hungry and when it wasn't what he was used to he got mad. I'm thinking next time we'll mix it with something better tasting than water.


Quinn and/or Lauralee said...

Yea for rolling over! It only gets better from here! And I've always thought the pediatrician's definition of 'sleeping through the night' (5 or 6 hours) was lame. Who is the doctor to tell ME what a good night's sleep is?


The Pattersons said...

as for the rice cereal I use to mix it with formula which is what they are use to. It is always nice when they sleep through the night. I still celebrate when Katelynn doesn't cry in the middle of the night.