Johnny got creative on the ways to keep himself entertained during the long drives. Yes he is eating his big toe! He loves his toes and love pulling off his socks and shoes to find them and of course eat them!

The hike was just too much for him! And Daddy was the perfect pillow.

Tom and Johnny watching Old Faithful be faithful.

Johnny modeling his cute new shirt.

This is Johnny "going to sleep" in the tent. He was having so much fun, sleep wasn't on his agenda.

He has figured out how to drink from the Camel back.

And he loves to share!

Lewis Lake where we camped.

A cool waterfall we hiked to off the side of the road.

The little cabin we spent the first night in. All the campgrounds and motels were full in and around the park. So we ended up at this one on a Dude Ranch in Montana. It was fun and nice to sleep in a bed and have running water. Lesson learned plan far enough ahead and reserve camp grounds before.

Johnny and Dad on the front porch of the little cabin.

Mommy and Johnny!

Daddy and Johnny! There was a lot of construction on the roads in the park. Several times the traffic was stopped completely so we took advantage of it to get out and stretch by the river.
Looks like tons of fun! Glad you enjoyed it!
Oh how fun! Johnny is so cute, and he is getting so big! You should have called me, and you could have stayed at my parents cabin which is probably 30 minutes away from Yellowstone! :) So next time if you need anywhere to stay... just let me know!
Wow, you guys are brave. It looked like so much fun. Johnny has changed so much since I saw him last. He is so cute. - Lauralee
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