Well things here in Rawlins are moving right along. We have had absolutely beautiful weather this whole last week. Johnny and I have spent a lot of time outside and walking. Johnny loves the freedom and I decided I need more exercise than this little apartment allows for. I am so out of shape and my poor pregnant body tells me about it every time we go walking. I went to the Dr this week and he said all is well. We go back in two weeks for the ultrasound that hopefully will tell us what we are having. Tom has been trying to help Johnny understand that there is a baby coming, but every time he tells him there is a baby in mommy's tummy Johnny looks at him with the "Yeah right dad!" look and tries to look under my shirt for the baby. It is so cute.
With any luck we will close on a house this week or the first part of next. We are scheduled to close this Thursday on Tom's birthday but the appraiser came and found chipping lead based paint one part of the fence. After nearly a week of searching for someone professional to come and repaint it our agent had no luck and was getting frustrated. I feel it was by divine intervention we just happened to have a guy in the ward announce that as a retired general contractor he is looking for things to occupy his days off. So we called him up and he is going to come take care of it. That may push the closing back a few days though. Here is a picture of the outside.

We really are praying that it all goes through and quick. We are getting cramped in this one bedroom deal and struggling with Johnny and his sleep habits. He needs to have his own room! Needless to say he has discovered and accomplished many new things this week. One being how to climb out of his crib. I think we will be getting him a big boy bed when we get to the new place to prevent any further exploration and any injuries. Other accomplishments this week...he discovered his pockets and loves to fill them with rocks. He has also discovered holes, meaning he has some in his ears and nose! Ewww! I think you get my drift. He has also mastered "Please" and "More" in sign language and is using them without any prompting from us. He has also taken to attacking us from behind any time we get down on his level. He throws his arms around us and tries to growl. Here he is at Halloween in his Lion costume.

1 comment:
OH, I hope you close soon. We too are in the middle of a delayed closing only ours is by 90 days because the city just put a lean on the property due to boundary disputes. UGGHHH!!! Avy needs her own room as well. We finally just gave up and gave her our room and I've been sleeping on the couch for over a month. Here's to lots of new bedroom soon (for both of us!!!)
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