Friday, January 15, 2010

30 Weeks!

Tom informed me last night that the last picture I have posted of my pregnancy is to out of date that I look much more pregnant now. I 'm not sure if that is a complement or not but...for his sake here is an update. I am now 30 weeks and feeling squished!

Here is another fun photo. I hope the girls don't mind me showing us all off. This is me with three of my best friends from high shcool. All of us are expecting within about a month of each other! It is fun to all be in it together!


Joanne said...

You are all so cute! Congrats to you all on all being pregnant! How many kids does this make it for everyone now?

The Powell Family said...

This is the third for Brooke and Melissa, second for me and Lauralee.

Joanne said...

That's awesome. I think it's so great that you all still get together!

The Bown's said...

Oh man why do have to live so far away, I had McKenna in Dec, I could have been in the big belly pic. How are you guys surviving Wyoming. I remember the first six months in Idaho I HATED it!!

The Powell Family said...

Wyoming is okay now that we are in our own house. It is hard being so far away from family but we have made many friends with those in our ward. There are lots of activities for moms and tots so we get out and don't worry about the distance.