Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Current events at our house....

I wanted to get a cute picture of the boys together to give to granparents for Christmas. What do you think, would any of these work??? If you click on it you can see a bigger version. I lvoe the faces Johnny is pulling! He cracks me up!

Danny's new after bath do...

And this is Johhny "trying" to avoid taking a nap....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. You have to admit that Johnnie is pretty smart. Identifying a fork as a weapon! You may have to start locking the silverware drawer.
Any of the pictures for grandma's are great, but I do like the one with the Desitin. Just crop it out. If you number them, I like numbers 7, 8, and 9. Can't wait to see you all.